Now’s a good time, if you have any concerns, to see a physiotherapist, podiatrist or other specialist and develop a plan to put you in the best shape for your walk.
Jessie in Action!
Village in Focus – Samos

Spanish Specialty – Pulpo
What is a Compostela?
At the pilgrims' office in Santiago de Compostela, your Credencial will be examined to ensure you have legitimately completed the Camino. Your name will then be translated into Latin and your Compostela given to you to keep as a memento of your achievement.
Learn From Past Pilgrims
Why did you decide to walk the Camino?
What was the greatest gift of your Camino?
What's your favourite Spanish dish?
People talk about the amazing camaraderie on the Camino. What was your experience?

Invest heavily in your preparation. Learn about modern Spain and a modicum of the Spanish language. There is no such thing as being over-prepared: more preparation, more benefit - more effort, more benefit - many more positive outcomes.
How has your Camino experience impacted your life in the long term?
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